Januari 2024

Cape Horn to port

We left on Monday 15-1-24 at 3:00pm.

The weather window was short, but if we would sail on we could be out of danger, as strong wind was expected on Wednesday at 10:00pm.

The trick was then to keep speed. I was happy the crew was amazing.,We sailed downthe Beagle with strong wind and waves behind, but Giulia just loves that. When turning into the Paso Picton, the wind came from the SouthWest quite strong ao helped with the engine and sails, Giulia hit her road. Luckily Paula and Mayra saw how stable she was, and were reassured about Giulia’s strength to cope with bad conditions. It snowed, it rained, and the sun came through at sunset.

We had to beat windward with sails and engine to go as South as possible. A few tacks through the Paso Goree, and we were into Bahia Nassau and befamed Drake passage. There the Ocean can be very rough because water flows freely from New Zealand. And though it wasn’t extremely bad, side waves were annoying. I held on as much as I could but after 3h got seasick. Paula took over on her own. For an hour it still was rough but luckily later the wind died, and with it the waves. Once East of the island Wollaston, conditions further improved.

She stayed on her own. I felt confortable and slept through. When I woke up feeling better, I was a bit annoyed at myself.

Later when she told me that she had overwon her fear and enjoyed taking Giulia over solo , I felt happy it had been inspiring for her.

Drizzle welcomed us at the East of Freycinet island. Paula went for a well deserved rest.

I took over, and later Mayra helped from inside.

Without heating sailing with Giulia wasn’t easy. Hot water bottles put against the chest – Paula’s idea- kept us warm.

We turned into the Paso del Mar del Sur. While making way for a cruise ship coming from the South, we saw Serendipa behind us! What a joy. We took pictures, and turned West to the Horno island.

Caught into the mist, light coming trough embraced the landscape into mystery. It was raining hard, the wind picked up allowing to set sails again. The girls inside – it didn’t mske sense to all get wet – Giulia loved the challenge. The wind picked up to a 45 knots in the channel between isla Hornos and isla Hall. A few tacks further, we finally turned East to meet the egnimatic rock of the Cape Horn. Everyone on deck, we were in awe, the rock shone into the dimlight, waves hitting her feet, a colorfoul sculpture. The crew and captain of Serendipia greeted us and cheered us. Once there I felt what a milestone in my sailing life it is to have brought my 32 feet sailing yacht, my beloved Contessa 32 to the Southermost cape of America.

A bit dizzy we sailed further and started going North to avoid bad weather. Cold and tired I got seasick again, also a bit stressed to see a tear in the Genua. I called Mauro, Serendipia’s captain to tell him. The Captain of the Chamade, heard my call and bode his help. The solidarity at sea just amazes me, time after time.

Still I felt we didn’t need the Genua and we would be back on time in safe waters. A bit disappointed at myself about the damage, I was having dark thoughts. I asked if it was a problem for Mayra and Paula to take over, which wasn’t. At the same time I knew I would take over if needed. As I already said I felt confident they would take the right decisions, and wake me up if necessary. Also I felt it gave them the space to grow as sailors, which at the end is this trip’s objective: to inspire to go beyond the confortzone.

When I woke up at 11:00pm, conditions were smooth, they had done a great job and went to sleep. I took over alone. I felt grateful and let them sleep. We had no wind and the engine was going strong, with the current helping now. The sunrise in the Beagle was splendid, Dolphins joyfully welcomed us . Paula and Mayra woke up and we shared the last hours smiling at each other.

The welcome at Milcavi was emotional, as the party at night.

A lots of tears came out of me when Lalo gave me a reproduction of Cabo de Hornos’ monument, and congratulated us for rounding the Cabo de Hornos.

No words express how proud of my crew and Giulia I am.

December 2023

Een aantal van jullie zullen Eugénie Nottebohm volgen op Facebook of Instagram, maar voor wie dat niet doen het volgende:

Zeer recent schreef ze op haar Facebook pagina:

“4de droom vervuld : ik ben vandaag aangekomen in Ushuaia na vijf en een half jaar onderweg vanuit Kortgene en borstkanker te overwinnen.

Ik kan het niet echt geloven dat ik van 51d33 Noord tot 54d37 Zuid, een groot stuk Atlantische oceaan, bijna helemaal solo met Giulia, mijn trouwe Contessa 32 , overgestoken ben.
Met uitzonderingvan de 54M tussen Buenos Aires en Riachuelo met een vriendin, de 196 M tussen Camarones en Puerto Deseado met een vriend (waarbij ik Isla Leones en Caleta Hornos kon verkennen) en de 155 M tussen Puerto Deseado en San Julian met een andere vriend (waar ik veel in de media gekomen ben).

Lemaire straat en Argentijns Patagonia bevaren was vrij heftig en mooi tegelijk.

Ik heb onderweg heel veel vrienden gemaakt, en Argentina is tot nu toe mijn lievelingsbestemming.

Ik heb een intieme droom vervuld en ben er dol gelukkig mee.

 Op de vraag wat nu haar volgende plannen zijn antwoordde ze:

“ nu wil ik hier de fjorden verkennen, waarschijnlijk met vriendinnen… en dan de Stille Oceaan solo!”

We blijven haar volgen.

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